Jun 05, 2014
"TMC Property Solutions Receives 2014 Best of Weatherford Award". Weatherford Award Program Honors the Achievement.
Jan 30, 2014
This will tell you how can quickly sell their home in today’s turbulent market and even avoid foreclosure.
Jan 30, 2014
As the number of foreclosures escalates around the nation, so do the number of those looking to make a killing from the fallout. Many real estate investing gurus with flashy websites and infomercials encourage the same.
Jan 23, 2014
Tim found this automation process to be the turning point in his business and helped him to work smarter and not harder and streamlining his business.
Jan 21, 2014
In this day of high tech advertising, real estate investors want to know – do roadside signs still work?
Jan 17, 2014
TMC Property Solutions, a local real estate investment firm, has just published a new Special Report called, "How to Stop Foreclosure in Its Tracks."
Jan 14, 2014
TMC Property Solutions, a local Veteran owned and operated real estate investment firm, has just announced a new program to help “Unemployed Veterans”.
Jan 02, 2014
TMC Property Solutions Company Teaches Frustrated Investors To Earn 10% Or More In A Safer Alternative To Traditional Investments
Dec 12, 2013
Real estate investor Tim Cook sees a wave of new investors who, perhaps because of the down economy, are turning to the rehabbing real estate investing business. “But most haven’t taken a hard look at how it works,” Tim says.
Oct 23, 2013
This is a day and time when many wannabe real estate investors are jumping in to see if they can pick up a cheap property, renovate it and make a quick buck.