Apr 29, 2017
Everyone desires saving energy cost, being self-sufficient, getting off the power grid, and having energy that helps the Planets climate.
Dec 30, 2016
The invention has a unique, innovative, proprietary solution to this problem by filtering and separating hydrogen gas from all other gases using graphene selective absorption method.
Mar 26, 2016
Propulsion engines use a wide array of physics and science fiction in an attempt to achieve subluminal and superluminal space travel.
Mar 20, 2016
Present hydrogen technology requires trained specialist, catalyst, electrolysis, hydrocarbon feedstock, chemicals, metals, steam, desalination, fresh water, permanent production location, and production of toxic waste materials
Feb 08, 2015
Waterman Tim Devine, owner of Barren Island Oysters in Hoopers Island, said he hopes his oysters can be resilient against acidification because he feels helpless to do anything about it.
Jun 26, 2014
Thomas Institute for Technology Research will make hydrogen future of energy good for the planet