Nov 08, 2021
Oliver Stone's "JFK" proposes the assassination of the 35th US president was clearly a conspiracy.
Jul 04, 2021
Stan Sessoms, known as "Big Sexy", celebrated his 66th special day atop the renovated outdoor upper level of the Perch Brewery in the burgeoning historic downtown of one of the "hottest" cities in America.
Jun 05, 2021
Abraham B Doe wrote and directed the play, THE TRIAL, in 1995 for a church in Georgia. The drama put forth the case for rescinding the 1956 American motto "In God We Trust." It led to the title of TV series TRIAL 2020, also created by Doe.
Jan 01, 2021
Screenwriter was mentored by actor from "Law and Order", "American Gangster", "Baywatch"
Jul 28, 2020
Tray Goodman, CEO GCM LLC , is a prolific, ubiquitous Producer, Director, Writer filming across the globe 20+ years. Unique GCM ties to industry opens up multiple financing, filming location options. Released "Haters make me Famous" 2019.
Jun 25, 2020
Actions can have reactions. Please cease further actions until after Election 2020.
Jun 18, 2020
Law Enforcement Relations OPEN LETTER to 2016 Presidential Nominees Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, ignored
Jun 09, 2020
Teens and millennial's are urged to be "Independent-Unaffiliated". Not urged to re-elect 45.
May 31, 2020
As predicted, 2020 is a crisis point in American history. The powerful vehicle of film may be the best solution-communication option to address "America's challenges defining right and wrong".
May 11, 2020
President Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., almost symbolic of the two towering figures seen with Jesus high up on a mountain in the presence of Peter, James and John, left legacies that need to be carried forward, now.