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Tutors International Press releases

91 - 100 of 110 Press Releases

Dec 21, 2009
A recent analysis of enquiries and sales figures during the last five years has revealed a 60% growth for Tutors International in private tuition contracts, as a proportion of last year’s UK based figures

Dec 14, 2009
Tutors International has reported a reversal of American sales enquiry trends with regards to demand for full-time private tutors following the end of the recession in America

Dec 10, 2009
Tutors International made their first exhibition appearance at the Independent Schools Show held in Battersea at the end of October, founder Adam Caller explains why attending the exhibition was so beneficial

Nov 09, 2009
Tutors International is celebrating ten years of specialist private tutor provision with the rebranding of the company’s visual image

Nov 04, 2009
As part of the celebrations of ten years of Tutors International, the company will be launching a new website in line with its new visual brand

Oct 26, 2009
Tutors International will be leading a workshop at the Society of Education Consultants conference in London on November 20th, helping members to make best use of the weekly Exploratorium

Sep 25, 2009
Tutors International, a leading provider of full-time private tutors, warns parents that arrangements for one-on-one private tuition need to begin at least nine months before the tutor is required to start.

Sep 23, 2009
Tutors International has released details of the qualification criteria for tutors to reassure parents following the recent report on how poorly managed use of teaching assistants can damage a child’s education

Sep 21, 2009
Tutors International, leading providers of full-time private tutors for prestigious home schooling families reveals how the treatment of the tutor by the family can have a huge impact on the success of home schooling

Aug 28, 2009
Tutors International will be exhibiting at London’s Independent Schools Show, presenting information on their full-time tutoring services to families requiring more flexibility than traditional independent education can provide

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