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UOC - The Open University of Catalinia Press releases

1 - 9 of 9 Press Releases

Nov 30, 2012
La imperante necesidad de reformas en el sistema educativo actual es una de las principales conclusiones del seminario internacional «Cambios transformadores en la educación: un enfoque sistémico».

Nov 30, 2012
The need for reform of the current education system was one of the main conclusions from the Transformative Changes in Education: System-wide Approach international seminar which took place this week at Barcelona’s Media-TIC building.

Nov 23, 2012
The 9th International Seminar organized by the UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning is to be held in Barcelona on 26 and 27 November. The objective of this annual meeting is to analyse the impact of new technologies on higher education.

May 02, 2012
The UOC´s eLearn center welcomes European PhD candidacies to develeop their research in a highly internationalized and qualified environment.

Oct 18, 2011
L’Université Ouverte de Catalogne UOC, est un établissement public, elle est la première en Europe en E-Learning.

Oct 18, 2011
L'Université Ouverte de Catalogne (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) offre 3 aides financières pour des étudiants en Master International en Civilisation Musulmane au titre de l'année universitaire 2011-2012.

Sep 23, 2011
The 15 bodies collaborating with UOC’s School of Cooperation met at the Campus for Peace headquarters to network and establish links. Coordinators of more than 90 courses offered shared information on the initiatives being developed.

Sep 23, 2011
The Research and PhD Scientific Commission of the UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - will meet on September 5 and 6 in Barcelona.

Sep 21, 2011
Are rankings likely to focus on eLearning in the future? If so, what parameters will be used and who will be defining those? What impact will they have on online education? If not, are present rankings of any use to online education institutions?

UOC - The Open University of Catalinia RSS Feed