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US High Speed Rail Association Press releases

1 - 10 of 18 Press Releases

Apr 28, 2021
Global Drive for Innovation Continues for Hitachi, the Maker of the World's First Bullet Trains

Mar 11, 2021
As momentum for national infrastructure projects builds in the United States, Sidley Austin joins with the US High Speed Rail Association to promote design and construction of new projects which will create jobs as well as efficient high-speed rail...

Mar 04, 2021
USHSR announces the launch of its new website for a re-imagined user experience showcasing the great progress being made in high speed rail in America.

Dec 23, 2020
Employee-Owned HDR joins US High Speed Rail in support of high speed rail projects to come with the Biden administration's embrace of a greener future for America

Dec 18, 2020
Alstom joins USHSR in a Persistent Show of Support of High Speed Rail in the United States

Dec 06, 2020
A Professional Webinar with top transportation and TOD industry leaders discussing major modernizations of two of America's most historically significant rail stations

Nov 30, 2020
The US High Speed Rail Association is pleased to announce Deutsche Bahn (DB) has joined the Association in order to support bringing High Speed Rail to America

Nov 12, 2020
The USHSR presents its 5-Point High Speed Rail Plan to the incoming Biden administration, which promises to "spark the second great railroad revolution"

Oct 20, 2020
A Professional Webinar with top global experts, industry leaders, and international rail operators discussing the success of high-speed rail networks in Europe and Asia, and what it could mean for America

Oct 02, 2020
A Professional Webinar with top transportation industry leaders including rail station planners and project managers discussing the renovation of two of America's largest, most historically significant rail stations

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