Jul 15, 2012
Laid off? As you collect unemployment checks reinvent your job and life. Secure Chronicles of a Young Inventor as your simple lighthearted guide.
Jul 14, 2012
Unemployment is a great opportunity to reinvent your job and life. Secure Chronicles of a Young Inventor as your simple lighthearted guide.
Jul 08, 2012
No one exactly knows which invention will be profitable. It is a gamble at best. The only way to insure America remains as the innovation leader, everyone must invent.
Jul 06, 2012
We will develop a few mad scientists here in Zombie World to create viable prosperous invention and innovation oriented companies to expand jobs
Jun 30, 2012
if parents recognize the inventor characteristics their children have and spend the time to channel that energy, their children can become the perfect corporate employee – bold, Inventive, risk taking, science/ technological expert.
Jun 29, 2012
Juvenile delinquents/ troublemakers have the characteristics America desires to expand our global competitiveness. Many founders of a major start-ups gone large were teenage troublemakers, albeit with inventive skills.
Jun 29, 2012
Corporate America wants the perfect employee – a bold, Inventive, risk taking, science or technological expert. That employee is a juvenile delinquent today. Support INVENTION ADVENTURE
Jun 28, 2012
The IBM Survey 2010 interviewed 1500 CEOs across 66 countries who stated the 21st Century highest demand leadership skill is creativity. Creativity is the ability to imagine new ideas. Students who fabricate and exaggerate stories are creative.
Jun 14, 2012
I learned firsthand what R&D and product development departments needed. I visited a Detroit school in 1997 to teach a Junior Achievement class and discovered a group of children who had the same characteristics.
Jun 10, 2012
Summon your inner geek with Invention Adventure, a reality webshow for potential geeks, chronicling the antics of individuals as they invent tools to survive a 'shipwreck.'