May 16, 2011
To get additional 10% discount, you need to match your order to $1000 and use the coupon code of “20th.anniv”
May 12, 2011
Xeltek’s first in-system gang programmer will be available soon.
Apr 06, 2011
Serial EEPROMs are suitable when a less amount of nonvolatile, read/write memory is needed in a design. These are small and inexpensive which are extremely useful when a minimum number of I/Os are used.
Mar 22, 2011
Xeltek is proud to be the pioneer of another achievement in in-system programmers industry
Mar 11, 2011
Softcom is the only authorized distributor assigned by Xeltek. Xeltek only gives warranty and after sales support for those programmers that is purchased from Softcom in Poland!
Feb 28, 2011
This article contains common questions and related answers considering the cluster programming is still an unknown solution for most of us.
Jan 10, 2011
Xeltek’s lowest cost SuperPro 5000 series family member
Dec 27, 2010
Xeltek’s lowest-cost universal device programmer is online for pre-orders.
Oct 27, 2010
SuperBOT is the first automated programmer of Xeltek w/ 1400 uph, and lowest cost ever!
Oct 15, 2010
SuperPro 5000 programlayıcılarında yüksek performanslı programlama için ihtiyaciniz olan her şey mevcut