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Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.. Press releases

11 - 15 of 15 Press Releases

May 16, 2023
A very cost-effective FERC Form 714 XBRL filing service for electric utility balancing authorities and planning areas. Full-service Form 714 filing in the new XBRL format within 24 hours for under $1000 per filing.

Apr 02, 2023
Easily and very cost-effectively convert your PDF documents (including scanned PDF) to fully EDGAR-compliant HTML files online, for submitting to the SEC's EDGAR filing system - without purchasing any software or knowledge of HTML.

Mar 14, 2023
Easily and very cost-effectively convert your Word documents and Excel tables to fully EDGAR-compliant HTML files online, for submitting to the SEC's EDGAR filing system - without purchasing any software or knowledge of HTML.

Jan 26, 2023
Easily and cost-effectively convert securities holdings data from your raw Excel spreadsheets to the XML Information Table required by the SEC for a Form 13F EDGAR filing

Oct 06, 2021
FERCxbrl™ software - an easy to use and very cost-effective solution for small and medium-sized Energy companies, FERC consultants and law firms - to prepare and submit FERC quarterly and annual filings in the new XBRL format.

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