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California Addiction Network Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Feb 23, 2014
Low-level non-violent drug offenses that were once considered felonies may now be dropped down to a misdemeanor charge. A felony offense has a tremendous impact on the individual, reducing chances of employment, housing and student loans.

Feb 14, 2014
Naloxone is also known by its brand name Narcan, and it is an opiate agonist which prevents drugs like OxyContin and heroin from binding to the opioid receptors in the brain.

Feb 13, 2014
Spice or synthetic marijuana has been linked to psychosis, brain, and kidney damage. Once selling in California for years, it is now legally banned.

Feb 12, 2014
Celebrity are bringing what was once left in the dark now to the light. Two famous Hollywood actors have died in the past 7 months from drug overdoses.

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