Jul 30, 2013
Tim Carter from MyGermanShepherd.Org (the canine wizard with that ingenious Puppy Development Guide) has just released another truly groundbreaking work: A Dog Training Toolkit.
May 15, 2013
Cesar's Way is well-known in the world. For his obedience-based training approach. Or is it for his entertainment factor? - But who needs another 350 pages of self-promotion? My mother got me this instead - and yours would too, if only she knew!
Mar 10, 2013
With 14 published books and a combined annual sales volume of over 304,000 books on Amazon alone, Cesar Millan is THE go-to guy in the dog business. Or so it seemed. - Until an underdog named Tim humped Cesar's leg because it's free!
Mar 03, 2013
I am excited to share with you that Tim Carter's celebrated new Puppy book that we portrayed last week is available as FREE Kindle book download FROM 9 March to 12 March - incl. FREE Kindle reading app!
Feb 21, 2013
Tim Carter from MyGermanShepherd.Org has just released a puppy book with Amazon KDP, because he felt that none of the books on the market cover certain essential points of puppy development, he says. This made me curious.
Feb 04, 2011
What do you do if you live in Leicester and you need an accountant? Look in the yellow pages? But do you want to waste time calling a dozen only to find out that 10 of them don't fit anyway? Use the niche directory AccountantsinLeicester.com instead.
Feb 04, 2011
In difficult economic times, it is imperative that people remain aware of how their money is being managed. Individuals and businesses in the UK can both find their next accountant in the unique niche directory AccountantinNottingham.com.
Jan 22, 2011
The established directory DivorceLawyersinNewJersey.com has been upgraded to become the authoritative niche directory of all divorce lawyers in New Jersey. Each entry is being personally verified, and all entries are impartial.
Jan 22, 2011
The innovative niche directory DivorceLawyersCincinnatiOhio.com may be the most correct and comprehensive directory of all divorce attorneys throughout Cincinnati. Every single entry is being individually confirmed, and all the records are unbiased.
Jan 22, 2011
The new sector web directory DivorceLawyersOrangeCountyCalifornia.com is probably the most genuine and complete niche directory of divorce lawyers in Orange County California. All entries are being validated, and all entries are unbiased.