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AMBER Robotics Press releases

1 - 3 of 3 Press Releases

Jul 14, 2023
GeneRo. This general AI robot represents a significant step forward in humanoid robot technology, aiming to bridge the gap between humans and robots.AMBER Robotics, a leading provider of high-end robotic actuators and bionic humanoid robot bodies, is set.

May 09, 2023
AMBER Robotics launches Lucid-1 NOW! The ultralight 7-axis Robotic Arm with AI Intuitive controller, very suitable for Robot's real arm, tease to simplify Robotics Development.

May 04, 2023
AMBER Robotics pre-Launched Lucid-1, the Portable Robotic Arm with AI Intuitive Mover, Simplifying Robotics Development and Filming for Education, Labs, and Vlog Filmimg.

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