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MysteryPile Ancient Mysteries Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Jan 19, 2025
Is humanity the first creation of intelligent beings? Do similar human-type species exist throughout the cosmos? If so, have those species mastered technologies only to self-destruct in an unfortunate series of events? The Universe is unbelievably...

Feb 17, 2013
Delve into a mysterious realm of legendary creatures, mythological beasts, and ghostly apparitions fueling the curiosity of society for thousands of years.

Jul 18, 2012
How did the universe really begin? Can we fluidly access our subconscious and communicate with each other? Did the Egyptians build pyramids differently than previously conceived? Find out in J.C. Vintner's new book, Mysteries of the Universe.

Apr 06, 2012
Vintner's new book (fall of 2012) outlining modern alternative prophetic thinking based on a refined human perception of life in the Universe is scheduled for release. The book features several new concepts in relation to life and its existence.

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