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Aldis Browne Fine Arts, Inc. Press releases

1 - 10 of 44 Press Releases

Jul 30, 2019
Is it time to institute domestic arms control? After all, the US has been implementing international arms controls since the era of the cold war.

Jul 26, 2019
Though several states have continued the death penalty, the Federal Government has not executed a prisoner in sixteen years. Is Attorney General Barr's order progress -- or regression?

Jul 22, 2019
The Cost Per Click: Below 2 Cents. The Click-Through Rate: Above 35%. The Test Marketing: 150+ Facebook Ads

Dec 17, 2018
As Art Basel Miami fades into memory, and look back to these first art fairs of more than a century ago.

Dec 12, 2017
Will the spotlight now on the $450,000,000 purchase of Salvator Mundi by Abu Dhabi impact Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian influence on the 2016 elections?

Nov 30, 2017
Named by for its featured year-end online exhibition, Matthew Plummer, a classicly trained emerging artist, has already made his mark on two continents.

Nov 19, 2017
Did the auction elevate the painting to the rarified strata of 'priceless' works of art? Oscar WIlde defined a cynic as a person "who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing," thus some measure of cynicism may be wholly appropriate.

Nov 07, 2017
As debate rages in Washington over a tax bill that may eliminate financial support for the arts, an Oregon community's museum continues to celebrate its cultural heritage.

Nov 05, 2017
ABU DHABI ART FAIR - Exhibitions - Performances - Lectures, from Nov. 8 to Nov.11, 2017, will culminate with the opening of the Abu Dhabi Louvre

Oct 28, 2017
The United States had never before honored a woman, a black, or any other minority American on its currency. Consider the profound ramifications of now dishonoring the Treasury's prior commitment.

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