Jul 28, 2023
AstroDunia, a leading online astrology resource based in Indore, India, announced today that it has received trademark registration for its website name. The trademark, application number 4811327, was granted by the Trademark Registrar in Mumbai.
Feb 17, 2023
Navigate the Stock Market - Available for Free Download. New book "Intro to Stocks and ETFs" by Rajeev & Shashi Agarwal of AstroDunia.com provides a comprehensive guide to the basics of the stock market and how they can be helpful for new investors.
Jan 17, 2023
Astro Dunia, a leading provider of financial astrology solutions, is proud to announce the release of its Annual Letter 2023.
Dec 07, 2022
Indore based astrologer Shri Rajeev Prakash Agarwal is set to release "Annual Letter 2023" - the market predictions book on 14 January 2023. Various asset classes have been covered by this innovative book based on market timing model.
Jan 16, 2022
Indore based astrologer Rajeev Prakash of AstroDunia predicts in his annual book the decline of the COVID-19 impact from April 2022. His Annual Letter 2022 contains key insights for geopolitical issues as well as financial markets.
Jan 03, 2022
Indian astrologer Shri Rajeev Prakash Agarwal is set to release "Annual Letter 2022" - the market predictions book on 14 January 2022. Various asset classes have been covered by this innovative book based on market timing model.
Feb 06, 2021
Noted astrologer of the city Rajeev Prakash Agarwal has accused Tata Sky of violating intellectual property rights. In this regard, he has issued notice to Tata Sky management and planning to move the court against the company.
Jan 26, 2021
From the forecaster who predicted the 2020 crisis and bull cycle of Gold & Silver
Dec 27, 2017
Rajeev Prakash Agarwal, financial astrologer based out of India figured out the link between astrology and financial markets two decades back. In this tenure, he developed proprietary techniques and has helped investors around the globe improve ROI.
Nov 14, 2017
Do you feel that it is better to be planned and prepared for a future event? AstroDunia brings to you its annual letter 2018 edition that covers global markets for medium and long term trend.