Ball of Fire, Inc. Press releases
Oct 21, 2015
The Clock Strikes Midnight receives Mainstream Literary Award at the Florida Writers Association Conference
Oct 21, 2015
Yancy Clark Named Senior Vice President of Sales at WhyData Inc.
Oct 19, 2015
Melony Brown, Writer Guest Stars on Shedding the Bitch Radio Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Melony Brown, CEO of to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively discussion about "Facing Life’s Tough Challenges: Will You Live in...
Oct 12, 2015
SCOTT HANSEN, CEO of Scott Hansen Consulting Guest Stars on Shedding the Bitch Radio Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Scott Hanse, CEO of Scott Hansen Consulting to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively discussion about " Overcoming Strife in..
Oct 05, 2015
Theresa is an entrepreneur and small business owner, as well as a business philanthropy expert who holds charity events in her closet. Theresa wasn’t always a millionaire. She grew up a sickly child on a farm in Nebraska with humble beginnings.
Sep 28, 2015
Leanne Mulcahy, Author of ‘Notes to Self ‘ Guest Stars on Shedding the Bitch Radio Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Leanne Mulcahy, CEO of LM International Ltd and Author of “Notes to Self” to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively...
Sep 21, 2015
Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Maura Sweeney, CEO of Maura 4 U, living Happy Inside and Out to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively discussion about "Guts: Leading and Succeeding With Your Inner Smile." This natural coach known as Maura4u...
Sep 14, 2015
With the release of hew psychological thriller, e-Murderer, Atlanta author, Joan C. Curtis is interviewed, featured and contributes writing tips and more throughout this engaging online book tour.
Sep 14, 2015
Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Sarah and Samantha, of Never Be Average to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively discussion about "TOPIC Self Improvement and Self Awareness".
Sep 07, 2015
Radio host Bernadette Boas welcomes Dre Baldwin, CEO of Dre All Day, to the Shift to RICHes Star Series, for a lively discussion about "Self Improvement & Motivation".