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AWICompany Press releases

1 - 10 of 18 Press Releases

Jun 11, 2013
At a special ceremony this month, Al Waseela Newspaper honored its long-time employees

Jun 10, 2013
A newspaper is a publication that is issued daily or weekly and includes local and international News stories, advertisements, announcements, opinions, cartoons, sports news and television Listings.

Jun 10, 2013
"Knowledge of adolescent circadian rhythms could promote better family relationships if parents understood that sleeping late on weekends is part of their children's in-born cycle and not 'lazy' or antisocial behavior." Adolescence is a transitional...

Jun 10, 2013
A credit card is a card issued by a financial company giving the holder an option to borrow funds, usually at point of sale. Credit cards charge interest and are primarily used for short-term financing.

Jun 05, 2013
What started out as a social-networking website founded by a computer geek in a university turned out to be the largest and most successful social-networking site in the world.

Jun 05, 2013
In a world that has reached such an absolute progress on the technology level, the invention of electricity seems so minor and taken for granted.

Jun 05, 2013
Albert Einstein once said, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”.

Jun 03, 2013
Ces dernières décennies, le monde entier a témoigné de progrès technologiques significatifs à plusieurs niveaux.

Jun 03, 2013
« Abracadabra! » et voici le téléphone mobile, cet appareil magique qui a bouleversé notre vie. C’est Martin Cooper, un ingénieur de Motorola qui a eu l’idée géniale d’inventer un mobile en 1973.

Jun 02, 2013
Depuis des années, les études démontrent que la consommation de drogues parmi les adolescents est un phénomène culturel bien présent qui tend à se maintenir.

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