May 23, 2012
PGA Pro Hall of Fame Inductee, Al Green, will show participants about the game of golf. Attendees will also have the chance to register for the Golf Academy for Black Enterprise's Golf & Tennis Challenge held in September in Miami, FL 2012
May 23, 2012
Roland S. Martin visits Innisbrook Golf Resort and talks Golf The Sport of Business with the Director of Golf, PGA Pro Rodney Green, on Roland's hit show Washington Watch on TVOne.
Jan 23, 2012
NEW YORK - DJ Rob Swift begins teaching his new class on January 24, 2012 at the Eugene Lang College: New School for Liberal Arts. After just five days of registration, the class was filled and named as the "Hot List of the Semester".
Jan 20, 2012
NEW YORK - On January 21, 2012, Celebrity Chef Joe "JJ" Johnson will be at the Kids Food Festival NYC. Join Chef JJ at the Kids Food Festival and learn ways to prevent childhood obesity.
Nov 01, 2011
WASHINGTON, DC – ON OCTOBER 31, 2011, Four-time Emmy nominated director of photography , Alastair Christopher works with eight-time Emmy winning filmmaker, Jon Hock to debut the new ESPN film: Unguarded on November 1, 2011.
Oct 10, 2011
The mission of Youth in Media and Education (Y.I.M.A.E.) is to promote artistic expressions and self-empowerment through a comprehensive program that covers all areas of academics, the entertainment/media industry and vocational training.