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bigwords101 The Grammar Diva Press releases

1 - 9 of 9 Press Releases

Sep 17, 2018
New Book by "The Grammar Diva" Clears Up Comma Confusion, Dash Dilemma, and Hyphen Hysteria in Time for National Punctuation Day

Feb 27, 2018
"The Best Little Grammar Collection Ever!" Is a Grammar Trilogy Containing a Reference Book, a Workbook, and a Dictionary of Confusing Words—All You Need on Your Bookshelf for Better Writing

Aug 31, 2017
New Book by The Grammar Diva "Unconfuses" Confusing Words and Phrases

Dec 15, 2016
The Grammar Diva Has Won Her Third Award for Her Bestselling Grammar Books

Dec 29, 2015
It is that time of year again when resolutions for the New Year abound: lose weight, stop smoking, get to the gym more often, be kinder to your spouse or your kids— yet studies show that the two most important characteristics of a potential date are...

Dec 07, 2015
Bestselling Amazon author Arlene Miller, The Grammar Diva, adds to her list of grammar books with "Fifty Shades of Grammar: Scintillating Sentences, Syntax, and Semantics" from The Grammar Diva, published by bigwords101.

Aug 11, 2015
Technology is the word today in education. STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics But can Johnny write? Is writing being taught anymore in our schools? And are writing mechanics, such as grammar and punctuation, being taught? Or are they.

Apr 05, 2015
The "Best Grammar Workbook Ever!" Will Make You a Great Communicator!

Nov 01, 2012
Arlene Miller, author of the bestselling The Best Little Grammar Book Ever! has just released her new grammar book, Correct Me If I'm Wrong. This easy-to-use book covers all the common grammar issues in a friendly, alphabetical format.

bigwords101 The Grammar Diva RSS Feed