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Art of Memory Press releases

11 - 14 of 14 Press Releases

Aug 08, 2011
Using proven memory techniques called "mnemonics," the seven basic verbal stems can easily be remembered long term. This method is not reliant on rote memory drilling and is easily learned.

Jul 26, 2011
Based on ancient memory aids, or "mnemonics," this proven Hebrew vocabulary guide teaches over 500 Hebrew words without using rote memory. This method of memorization engages the students imagination, resulting in deep encoding for rapid recall.

May 17, 2011
Learning Biblical or Classical Hebrew takes a turn for the better by eliminating rote memorization. Using creative "mnemonics" Blair Kasfeldt turns to imagination to master over 500 Hebrew vocabulary words in his newly released book.

Apr 28, 2011
Author Blair Kasfeldt explains how to use ancient memory devices, or "mnemonics," to memorize The 10 Commandments according to the Roman Catholic and Lutheran numbering.

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