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B-7 BlueSHIFT 7 Press releases

11 - 20 of 33 Press Releases

Oct 21, 2010
Humans have evolved from cooking over an open flame to something slightly less forest fire-inducing. And we're quite proud of that.

Sep 28, 2010
For many Americans, the traditional vacation has run its course. They’re opening themselves up to new possibilities and destinations- and the results is some surprising destinations that offer more relaxation than you would have expected!

Sep 22, 2010
Your memories are priceless. But how should you preserve them?

Sep 07, 2010
Are you hooked in to all the ways to reach others who share your passion for sewing clothes? J.J. explains how to find a sewing community you can grow with and how to get access to the best, most innovative new ideas and patterns!

Aug 25, 2010
When you want the best, you won't find it with the cheapest price tag.

Aug 24, 2010
Make it easier on yourself- not harder! Here's how to pick a grill that will work FOR YOU!

Aug 24, 2010
If you're looking to advance you career, utilizing a professional or performance coach can be the deciding factor that prepares you to succeed- but only if you know how to use one.

Aug 11, 2010
Pick a grill, take decades to wear it out, and replace the worn parts- nothing could be easier!

Aug 09, 2010
Hanging out with friends changes locations, but not meaning. Americans are moving to their backyards to relax with friends.

Aug 09, 2010
The Aussie's know how to enjoy life, and they're sending some things our way to help us do the same!

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