Feb 01, 2021
Entreprenny Airess (a unique "Avataress Ambassador") is set to digitally host the multidimensional premium, and exclusively branded womens entrepreneurship membership site + experience premiering today, as "Entreprenairess *tm at Entreprenairess.com."...
Jan 18, 2021
"Remember if you want to change your future take action and take action now!" ~ Solomon Pratt at Power Networking Club, Author Of The Health and Fitness Bible
Jan 18, 2021
"You choose what works well for you...(use) consistency in communicating your values...the right people will hear you, and come to you." ~ Donna Smith Bellinger, AskDSB.com sharing as resident feature guest at Facebook.com/EntrepreneurshipLiveShow
Jan 13, 2021
Kicking off the New Year's inaugural episode, Donna Smith Bellinger as resident business expert for the Facebook.com/Entrepreneurship LIVE show shares testimony with high value featured guests before a live broadcast on Facebook this January month!
Jan 13, 2021
"I went to a business event today; paid for advertising, out out more products...I'm spending more money as investments into the business...putting gas on it." ~ Solomon Pratt SolomonsGem.com | SolomonsFitnessWorld.com
Jan 13, 2021
The easiest way to hold yourself accountable is to write it down on paper; we say things and don't take action on them because (we let) other things get in the way....keep it in front of you." ~ Donna Smith Bellinger | AskDSB.com | #AskDSB
Jan 04, 2021
"The average person during the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year gains anywhere between 7 to 10 pounds; you've got to remember that your health is cut from the same cloth as your wealth." ~ Solomon Pratt | "Challenge Yourself" - All.
Dec 28, 2020
"Words are powerful, and can mean different things to people...but hey PR is all about perception.
Dec 28, 2020
"What makes me feel merrier as an entrepreneur is that I love the feeling that my clients take a piece of me forever, when they take on the help I'm giving them with (fitness training) structure...and my products." ~ Solomon Pratt
Dec 28, 2020
"My favorite thing to do is to help people who only eat what they kill...I want to work with you, support you and help you grow." ~ Donna Smith Bellinger | AskDSB.com