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Books by Roger Grubbs Press releases

21 - 30 of 64 Press Releases

Oct 16, 2012
Roger Grubbs’ releases SEALs Series Book VI: The Lady SEAL - the story of a young lady’s dream to become part of an elite group of Special Forces exclusive to men, forbidden to women.

Aug 23, 2012
Roger Grubbs' The Exciting World of Self-Publishing teams up with Creative-Editing-Solutions to provide a service for authors to achieve their goal: Self-Publishing their book! A step-by-step informative guide to making your dream a reality!

Aug 21, 2012
What is the fastest growing industry in the world? If you guessed anything other than human trafficking you are wrong. Sad but true. What are the chances of someone you know being 1 of the 800,000 persons reported missing this year?

Mar 29, 2012
SEALs IV Freedom continues the saga of a group of Navy SEALs' attempt to put a stop to human trafficking. This time they unearth a form of modern day slavery aimed at young children and women.

Mar 21, 2012
SEALs III - Big Trouble in Aruba continues the saga of a group of Navy SEALs' attempt to put a stop to human trafficking. Heading to Aruba, they attempt to locate and annihilate the head of this evil organization. What awaits them? Read to find out!

Feb 24, 2012
In the newly released Adventure Series - Book 11, The Secret Chamber, Dr. Andrew Rogers is at it again. With a friend having discovered what is thought to be the object of the Mayan Prediction of 2012, time is running out. Can they save the world?

Jan 30, 2012
Now Available! SEAL II - The impossible, a new noval delivering riveting details of human trafficking.

Oct 26, 2011
What is normally the first thing that comes to mind when kids think of Christmas? You won’t be wrong if you say, “The Greatest Gift of All.”

Sep 21, 2011
I Will Return – Vampire Series Book 3 – by Roger D. Grubbs has just been released. Travel down the streets of Transylvania in the footsteps of a cunning lawyer, seeking immortality, and a brilliant doctor who just happens to hold the key.

Sep 19, 2011
Natasha – Vampire Series Book 2 – by Roger D. Grubbs has just been released. Discover how a young girl of only eighteen becomes a legend – but not the kind everyone would wish to be.

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