Feb 15, 2019
"Novelist Jack Kassinger once again pens another suspenseful masterpiece in a superbly written work"
Feb 14, 2019
"Written in a unique style that only Daniel Chavez Sr. can create, this story of love and tragedy is filled with intrigue and suspense," said Brighton Publishing.
Jan 11, 2019
Following his previous best-selling books, Gaccione pens yet another masterpiece.
Jan 11, 2019
This is a heartfelt story of a man's life. A story that shows life is what man makes of it, not what life makes of man. A story about the class of people who made the United States of America the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Dec 10, 2018
"In the final installment of the 'Stories from the Lone Moon Creek series,' Teresa Millias closes the series with a richly textured and searing work."
Nov 21, 2018
"Novelist Jack Kassinger once again pens another suspenseful masterpiece in a superbly written work"
Nov 15, 2018
"In a brilliant work, Catherine Astl takes the reader on a journey of passion in the most primal sorrow of the human repertoire. This is a novel that invites us to look at our own imperfections."
Oct 26, 2018
"Novelist Irene Riley pens a masterful story filled with charismatic and brilliant characters"
Oct 25, 2018
"Showcasing her literary talents Gail Winegar layers a story of terror and intensity in a searing novel that will keep you turning page after page late into the night—that is—after all your doors and windows have been locked"
Oct 08, 2018
"In a brilliantly written work, Carol Carpentier pens the final installment of the Who's To Say Trilogy"