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Cameron Medical Limited Press releases

1 - 9 of 9 Press Releases

May 17, 2010
A conference vote by large numbers of British doctors has stated that homeopathic treatments are no better than witchcraft and should no longer be used in the UK national health service. Controversial views were expressed today ....

May 17, 2010
If you've suffered from gout then you'll know the misery it can cause. Off work, no sleep, no social life - finding gout pain relief becomes an all consuming priority. Are new treatment options the answer - or does granny know best?

Apr 19, 2010
Can you lower blood pressure just by saying sorry? How does guilt cause stress? And will it lead to an increased risk of having a stroke or a heart attack? Maybe we should all try to say sorry more quickly and more often ....

Apr 18, 2010
The food you eat could be killing you much more quickly than you think. Salt intake is now convincingly linked to stroke, heart attack and early death. Doctor Gordon Cameron explores the link between salt and high blood pressure.

Apr 18, 2010
What is it about breast cancer that so many of the women who experience it want to blog about their experiences. Is it a feature of the disease or a reflection of the character and desire to live of those who suffer with it?

Apr 18, 2010
Shoulder pain causes lifestyle interference for many thousands of sufferers. New treatment options include the use of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for shoulder pain treatment - and some specialist doctors also now use viscosupplement injections

Apr 16, 2010
New joint injections can improve function, lessen pain and slow the progress of the disease in patients with arthritis in the knees, shoulders, elbows and hips says joint injection expert Doctor Gordon Cameron ...

Apr 16, 2010
Doctors are concerned about the misconceptions many patients have about the symptoms of high blood pressure. Too many people rely on the lack of any symptoms to reassure themselves that they don't have blood pressure problems

Apr 16, 2010
Doctor Gordon Cameron runs the rule over natural treatment for high blood pressure problems. Blood pressure can cause stroke and heart attack, modern medicines often cause side effects and natural treatments offer a great alternative for many people.

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