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Canadian Republic/Republique Canadienne Press releases

1 - 3 of 3 Press Releases

Apr 30, 2011
Michael Ignatieff needs support - but he can't even get it from his own wife who must swear an oath to the queen in order to receive Canadian citizenship. Mr. Ignatieff, look at your own personal life and eliminate the monarchy from Canada.

Mar 14, 2011
Today is Commonwealth Day. Commonwealth Protocol in Canada states that Canada fly the British, and not the Commonwealth Flag. Wayne Adam makes the argument that no flag should ever trump Canada's flag, especially not a foreign one...

Mar 11, 2011
Below is an excerpt of a rebuttal written to Rachel Sa of The Toronto Sun on her poorly researched article on the monarchy in Canada from The Toronto Sun, Sunday, February 19th, 2011 (As of March 11th, I have yet to receive a response):

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