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CAS DataLoggers Press releases

171 - 180 of 475 Press Releases

Apr 01, 2021
On March 10, 2021, Windows released an update that caused an issue in the T&D Graph software where the graph image is not visible when printing. As this Windows Update was not automatic, it is unknown how many T&D customers are affected.

Mar 29, 2021
Cryopreservation of Sperm Ensured During Transport A farmer breeding cattle was using artificial insemination methods to ensure optimum fertility and herd quality while avoiding the cost of keeping or borrowing a stock bull.

Mar 25, 2021
Intelligent Data Loggers Provide Distributed Monitoring A manufacturer of custom circuit boards operates solder reflow lines in two manufacturing plants located about a quarter of a mile apart.

Mar 18, 2021
.Since the rollout of COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccines at the end of December 2020, CAS has been hard at work meeting the demand for vaccine temperature monitoring kits.

Mar 12, 2021
Milk Tanker Sanitation Made Easy to Ensure Food Quality Data retention and accountability are critical for many of the industries we serve. This is especially true for food-grade applications, such as the milk production process.

Mar 10, 2021
CAS is pleased to announce that T&D has released a new mobile app, TR4 Report, for the TR4 Series of temperature data loggers. The app was created to meet customer requests for a quick and simple way to generate reports on a Smart Device.

Feb 24, 2021
Environmental Data Loggers Capture Data for EPA Compliance CAS DataLoggers provided the remote water level monitoring solution to a Pacific Northwest county's municipal water authority to capture data from storage reservoirs, surface, and groundwater...

Feb 15, 2021
CAS DataLoggers is pleased to introduce the new I-Plug CRYO family of data loggers from SwiTrace.

Feb 12, 2021
CAS is pleased to announce two new Novus Covid-19 temperature monitoring kits designed specifically for Covid-19 vaccine storage applications in refrigerators, freezers, and ultra-low coolers.

Feb 11, 2021
ataTaker DT82I Simplifies Industrial Energy Audit To find the best way to reduce energy costs, an industrial company contacted CAS DataLoggers for an electric energy monitoring system.

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