Apr 06, 2019
With a unique approach to restful healthy sleep, this brilliant book provides information, suggestions, sleep habits and specific meditation techniques that can be used effectively to overcome insomnia and get better sleep
Mar 30, 2019
A children's book series about two lovely sisters from London who can fly! The first three stories are about penguins, kittens, hot air balloons and an ice cream factory, and two girls who work together, figure things out and solve problems.
Mar 24, 2019
Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinci and Marcus Aurelius understood that the deliberate practice of writing had significant benefits to their creativity, self-awareness, memory, productivity and well-being.
Mar 23, 2019
An enlightening reference for both beginner and experienced meditators with clear instructions for meditation techniques such as mantra, mindfulness, breath counting, relaxation, metta, writing, visualisation, body scan and more.