Jul 26, 2015
The age old question of what defines success. It's more important than we care to acknowledge as it's the basis for our inner weather, the benchmark through which we analyze our life, and whether we like it or not our happiness depends on...
Dec 29, 2014
Our opportunity to not only reflect upon the past, but benchmark against the future. The one guaranteed time we allow ourselves to dream, to re-purpose our intention, and to create the framework toward the manifestation of everything we desire.
Dec 04, 2014
We also have a lens through which we see and experience the world, a lens that acts a filter, disseminating and often adjusting our perception of reality, combining bits of information we process and subsequently respond to...
Jul 27, 2014
Are we obsessed with any reality not our own? Are we fascinated with the opportunity to dream and almost experience a world of super-human abilities from X-men to the Avengers, or Superman to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Are our lives so mundane?
Mar 22, 2014
We never know the full extent of the difference we make in our world. Sometimes we have an inkling, a minor perception of our impact, but the ripples of our contributions extend far beyond even our greatest comprehension.
Jan 18, 2014
To live in fear is not living at all. To choose courage where success is not guaranteed is the only path to happiness and fulfillment. Don’t be attached to outcome, or you are assured disappointment. Instead, be attached to the pleasure of the...
Dec 11, 2013
Retrospection is often the word of choice this time of year, as we prepare for a new beginning and analyze and assess our progress to date. We review and judge the things that went right, and those that went horribly awry.
Nov 11, 2013
Why do we make life harder than it needs to be? We tend to over-complicate things, making life more challenging than necessary. Sometimes I think we are taught that the harder way or the more difficult path is the better path...
Sep 10, 2013
Book Publishing Statistics that may surprise you: According to the New York State Library Bookboard, there were only 9,260 books published in the US in 1907. Jump forward just over a century to 2010 where 328,259 books were traditionally published.
Jul 28, 2013
We all hear that voice inside us from time to time, giving us direction, guidance, and helping us along our path. It whispers in our ear, speaking softly from our soul, and sometimes it just blurts out obscenities.