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101 - 110 of 181 Press Releases

Nov 18, 2009
These are among the factors that many would love to have a piece of fashion jewelry like rings. Rings are among the most popular and sought after type of this kind of jewelry. Fashion Jewelry in general is known for its intricate designs and

Nov 16, 2009
History of crystal dates back thousands of years to the Mesopotamian times. Lead oxide was used to enhance the brilliance of glass as used today, but applied in different way. This was an alternate to the popular rock crystal which was more

Nov 16, 2009
Sterling silver jewelry is enjoying unprecedented popularity with today’s fashion conscious public. You know how beautiful sterling silver jewelry is and how brilliantly it shines. Now here is the rest of the story.

Nov 16, 2009
Costume Jewelry every seven in the world wants to look fashionable. They think they know your appearance & clothes speaks louder. Nevertheless your accessories are also in a similar fashion critical.

Nov 16, 2009
Have you been looking for a great new business? Commerce in jewelry may be your answer. You can easily find reasonably priced wholesale designer cheap jewelry to help you on your way to prosperity with a retail jewelry enterprise.

Nov 13, 2009
Words fail where jewelries are concerned. Beautiful, lively and glittering stones when binds together in a row leaves an unimaginable impression

Nov 13, 2009
Making our ideas come to life and creating them with our own hands is a great source of satisfaction for many of us. Handicrafts such as making costume jewelry have been and continue to be very popular among both hobbyists

Nov 13, 2009
Nowhere on Earth can you find more master artisans of jewelry than in china; in fact, china wholesale silver jewelry is just starting to get 'noticed' by the international community. .

Nov 13, 2009
As with everything else in life, sometimes we fall into habits in how we wear our fashion jewelry. We put the brooch on out left shoulder, we wear the same necklace with the same dress and the same earrings.

Nov 11, 2009
There is no need to waste money on fancy jewelry cleaning solutions. You can save money by cleaning your costume jewelry at home using things you'll find in any kitchen or bathroom.

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