Sep 01, 2009
If you're a tea bags collector, have friends who collect tea bags or are just curious about this unique collectible, feel welcomed to browse Colnect's online wiki catalog for tea bags - the world's first! Visit
Aug 26, 2009
Colnect's collectors, coming from 88 countries and using Colnect in 38 languages, are now over 5,555 strong. A growth of over 11% in less than a month!
Aug 23, 2009
During the last few days, Colnect's wiki-like bottle cap catalog has doubled its size. There are currently nearly 11,000 bottle caps listed.
May 24, 2009
Bottle caps are now available on Colnect and collectors from around the world can manage their personal collection using the catalog offered on Colnect. The initial catalog of bottle caps already contains over 5,000 bottle caps.
May 06, 2009
A one-man startup without funding had won the European Web2.0 startup competition out of 160 participating companies. The members of the jury had unanimously chosen Colnect.