Nov 22, 2013
Have you ever found yourself exhausted by efforts to stay ahead of your competition? Do you feel trapped in a downward pricing spiral as a desperate attempt to keep your customers? You aren't alone.
Nov 20, 2013
Everyone knows they don't come cheap, but some antics can leave you wondering was it worth it? What will it cost you to shake off the association if it becomes an impediment to your brand's value? There are alternative strategies that can help ..
Jun 06, 2013
Reasons for and alternatives to leadership anxiety and stress in response to business challenges
Nov 19, 2012
New York, New York - November , 19 2012 - A heart of wisdom: Life writing as empathetic inquiry. New York, NY: Peter Lang - this new anthology presents life writing that blows the lid off of tensions and complexities of learning and teaching.
Jun 21, 2012
Context magazine explores new territory in conceptual art as solution. Solution to what? Solutions to advancing community change management in the context of challenged budgets, resource conservation, and major socio-technical shifts.
Oct 18, 2011
envision Solutions introduces Context, a quarterly online magazine where sustainable business embraces eco-luxury lifestyle using new media to take the conversation about grassroots solutions for ailing economies to a new level.