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Business Credit Funding Press releases

91 - 100 of 149 Press Releases

Sep 09, 2009
Death of Commercial Real Estate and Retail Commercial Estate, with business going online with better pricing etc

Sep 04, 2009
With regard to regulatory reform within the financial services sector, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner had this to say, “Not modest repairs at the margin, but new rules of the game.”

Sep 03, 2009
What more products and services they can offer to become competitive and have higher ROE, ROI

Sep 01, 2009
The reason is that maintaining bank locations is extremely expensive and hurts the bottom line. Each physical branch generates a laundry list of expenses, including rent, insurance, real estate taxes, utilities and employees. ;

Jun 28, 2009
Perfect Bank for Private Equity to Acquire- Profitable, Great Management. ROE, ROI, ROA

Jun 14, 2009
Financial Expert Robin Trehan said Commerical Real Estate will hit Banks hard. More banks will fall in the 3rd and 4th quarter. The aspect of commercial real estate has not being even felt on the bank books.

Feb 09, 2009
Money Velocity- Inflation opening the door- Robin Tehan We cannot just be a service based country when even service based jobs are being outsourced.

Feb 06, 2009
Phony Accounting, Wall St. bailout, 6 C's missing' said RObin Trehan. Small community banks are in best situation to grow.

Feb 04, 2009
Why the Whole World looks to US for Solutions to everything and if we are the front runner in everything why does the all other countries not able to copy us? Robin Trehan

Feb 02, 2009
hinters Licht führen, we are behind the light (not being told the truth)- Robin Trehan A recession may be a good way to clean up the economy by helping these institution we are not getting rid of the problems. We are only prolonging the crisis

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