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Dark Helix Press Press releases

1 - 9 of 9 Press Releases

Jul 04, 2023
A feminist science fiction book launch announcement to Earthlings

Apr 20, 2021
A new anthology from Canada's renowned Ricepaper Magazine, this third collection in the Ricepaper Magazine series includes a wide range of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction by writers of Asian descent from across the world.

Mar 18, 2021
JF Garrard, award winning BIPOC writer, editor and indie publisher has launched a new independent podcast, The Artsy Raven, which explores the craft of writing a book, which can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a person's life.

Jun 29, 2019
Anthology Predicts an Apocalyptic Future in Next 150 Years, What Else is New in Scifi, Really‽

May 24, 2018
Prepare to be immersed in stories of science fiction, fantasy and horror

Dec 22, 2017
Trump's Wall Was Created to Keep Out Zombies and He Is a Wizard According to Dark Helix Press's Latest Anthology

May 15, 2017
Kickstarter Project Launched for Trump Fiction Anthology Now Live!

Mar 06, 2017
Dark Helix Press is soliciting speculative fiction stories to celebrate Canada's 150th year!

Jun 20, 2016
New mother needs your help to create a crowd sourced recipe book to feed children

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