Aug 30, 2010
dbLinkUp v1.2, which will be released in the coming weeks, will have new features like Contact Synchronization, Customer A/R Transaction filters, Vendor A/P Transaction filters, and an Optimized Installer!
May 18, 2010
dbLinkUp is to be bundled with Smart Notes within the next 90 days, as version 1.5 of dbLinkUp is released. The integration of the two add-ons will increase productivity and allow for even better monitoring of critical financial data.
May 05, 2010
Award-winning New York City-based RDA Enterprises, Inc. is announcing the development of version 1.5 of its new software dbLinkUp. dbLinkUp is a productivity add-on linking ACT! and QuickBooks, allowing users to stop app-hopping and save time.