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Jewelry Stores New York Press releases

51 - 60 of 73 Press Releases

Jul 02, 2013
Gift giving is never an easy thing. I have some friends who shop all year long because they see something they think is perfect for a certain person, so they will buy it right away even if the opportunity to give it as a gift.

Jun 26, 2013
Diamonds are a bit exhausting, aren't they? If you're buying diamonds, I'm going to bet that you're already providing a lot of pressure. Diamonds are expensive, so there's the pressure of finances.

Jun 26, 2013
Rarely does something come along in the world of jewelry that is a tremendous game changer in the industry. There have certainly been new ideas and innovative designs, ranging from previously unknown precious metals to new cuts of gem stones.

Jun 12, 2013
Loose diamonds are more popular than ever. With the broad access to consumer powers provided by the internet, people are more and more educated about the products they buy.

Feb 11, 2013
It seems like all too often that when a couple is talking about wedding bands, they almost seem like an afterthought…something that looks like it was part of a set, but nothing that is too showy. I think that it is time to change that approach.

Feb 06, 2013
When people think of timeless pieces of jewelry, thoughts always turn to diamond solitaire rings. Solitaire rings in general are symbols of elegance and refinement and are inseparably linked to universal ideals of high class.

Jan 28, 2013
The newest trend in engagement rings is to think green for 2013. When I say green, I’m not talking about the environment. Emeralds are the hottest of trends in affordable engagement rings this year.

Jan 19, 2013
Let’s set up the scenario: You and your beloved have been together a while and start talking love and marriage and the whole shebang. You’re a hip casual kind of girl and you realize the value of a dollar.

Jan 07, 2013
Loose diamonds can be purchased by those who wish to design a custom piece of jewelry, such as a diamond engagement ring. But consumers must be aware of the dangers that go along with purchasing loose gems.

Jan 02, 2013
Consumers shopping for engagement rings need to be aware of a few basic things that can make the purchasing process more enjoyable.

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