Jan 28, 2016
January 27, 2016, Atlanta, GA - The Boards of LYRASIS and DuraSpace, two leading member-based non-profit organizations serving archives, libraries, museums, as well as the broader scholarly, cultural heritage and technology communities, have unanimously..
Nov 10, 2015
On November 10, 2015 VIVO 1.8.1 was released by the VIVO team. This new release offers users vastly improved performance, new and better visualizations, as well as bug fixes.
Aug 17, 2015
A one-day Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting will be held on Sept. 25, 2015 in Paris, France. The event coincides with the Sixth RDA Plenary Meeting [1] and will take place in the same venue–the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.
Jul 21, 2015
Affordable digital preservation, evaluation and workflows plus DuraCloud storage–ArchivesDirect is the help you need to ensure that your digital holdings remain both safe and accessible for future generations at prices you can afford.
May 20, 2015
Your financial support is critical to keep our open source projects, with a combined user base of more than 2,000, strong. As a DuraSpace member you become a partner in project governance.
May 13, 2015
Current and prospective DSpaceDirect customers now enjoy DSpace 5 benefits–easier migration from older versions of DSpace, batch import content++ –an efficient and low-cost institutional repository solution.
May 13, 2015
The VIVO team has announced that VIVO v1.8 is now available with key features and improvements. The VIVO Project is an open source, open ontology, open process platform providing an integrated view of the scholarly work of an organization.
Apr 15, 2015
A tripartite DPLA, Stanford University, and DuraSpace partnership will produce a turnkey, Hydra-based solution that can be widely and easily adopted by institutions nationwide.
Feb 19, 2015
Finally, a complete preservation and archiving solution for universities, archives and cultural heritage organizations that is your hosted, “soup-to-nuts” solution for preserving institutional collections and all types of digital resources.
Aug 06, 2014
New end-to-end digital preservation service is designed for universities, archives and cultural heritage organizations