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Wholesale iPhone, Cell Phone Cases and Accessories Press releases

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Jan 17, 2013
Thanksgiving, is it? I'll tell you what I'm thankful for: competition. Because competition drives innovation. Innovation leads to improvement. Improvement begets happiness.

Nov 13, 2012
This is starting to get crazy. And ridiculous. Amazon has scheduled a special unveiling event for September 6, and, even with a few days to go, we still have no idea what the Kindle Fire makers will bring to the public attention.

Apr 09, 2012
Android 4.0, or headline writer’s nightmare Ice Cream Sandwich, is Google’s update to their whole mobile OS, and the vision of their latest release is based around a single vision: ‘enchant me, simplify My life and make me awesome

Mar 26, 2012
For now, all Samsung has to compete with the iPhone 4S is the Galaxy Nexus, which is a good phone, but when the Galaxy S3 is released.

Mar 25, 2012
Since then, the smartphone has got tremendous success and reached sky high demand rate. The dual core processor phone managed to receive pre-orders for 3 million Galaxy S2 units globally.

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