Eduplanet21, Inc. Press releases
Feb 26, 2013
Eduplanet21 announces the continued refinement of their social learning platform, making it easier for you to collaborate, share resources, and join relevant discussions.
Feb 14, 2013
Eduplanet21, the social learning organization for educators, announces new content for the Striving Readers Social Learning Institute!
Jan 17, 2013
A new Learning Path, Building Student Motivation, is now available as part of the Educator and Leader Effectiveness Social Learning Institute, Eduplanet21 announced today.
Nov 14, 2012
Eduplanet21 partners with Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs a preeminent curriculum expert in education. This will yield professional development opportunities for Eduplanet21 users by creating a new Social Learning Institute and four supporting Learning Paths
Oct 16, 2012
Eduplanet21, the premier social learning organization for educators, announces the immediate release of the Striving Readers Social Learning Institute and its first Learning Path “Universal Design for Learning and Digital Technology.”
Oct 11, 2012
Eduplanet21, the premier social learning organization for educators, announces the immediate release of the Striving Readers Social Learning Institute and their first Learning Path "Universal Design for Learning and Digital Technology."
Aug 21, 2012
Eduplanet21 announces the release of a Basic Membership plan which includes FREE REGISTRATION to our new Eduplanet21 Social Learning Institutes. All educators who wish to enroll are now able to do so at no charge.
May 30, 2012
Eduplanet21 announces the release of the Habits of Mind Global Institute Learning Paths.
May 30, 2012
Announcing The Habits of Mind Global Institute, a place where anyone interested in collaborating or learning more about the Habits of Mind can connect with others to discuss and share practices around the 16 Habits.
May 29, 2012
Three PA Intermediate Units have partnered to provide an innovative way to deliver Professional Development for districts interested in building and supporting a birth through 12th grade literacy plan.