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Emirates Neon Group Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Jun 11, 2009
Leading visual communication and multimedia solutions company, ENG has unveiled the “Largest outdoor media in East Africa”.

Feb 19, 2009
UAE Insider magazine is to be re-launched on February 18. To keep up with reader demands ENG Media, the publishers of Insider, have given the magazine a fresh new look as well as implemented new areas of content.

Oct 06, 2008
Emirates Neon Group's publishing & broadcast division; ENG Media has launched MediaWeek Middle East which covers local, regional and international news from the industry as well as creative reviews, analysis and indepth opinion.

Sep 06, 2008
Emirates Neon Group has collaborated with the City Council of Nairobi that is the Governing body of the Kenyan Capital to install benches throughout the Green city as a community initiative.

Aug 20, 2008
Leading visual communication and multimedia solutions company, ENG (Emirates Neon Group) has installed high quality Backlit Unipoles in Zamalek Club in the high profile area of Mohandiseen in Cairo, Eypt.

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