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E. Cooper Ostresh Press releases

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Oct 17, 2012
Laramie Wyoming would seem like an odd location to begin a thriller about a safe cracker but, if you ask author E. Cooper Ostresh, it was the perfect inspiration to create characters that drive his new novel.

Oct 17, 2012
Drawing inspiration from real life masterminds who tend to be blue collar, a new novel turns the classic sophisticated "Cary Grant style" cat burglar on its head.

Sep 17, 2012
The upcoming novel, “Boxman,” has drawn on the Occupy Wall Street movement to help inspire a heist thriller. But what does OWS have to do with safe cracking?

Sep 03, 2012
Reminiscent of "murder mystery games", novelist E. Cooper Ostresh has posted floor plans for a bank and challenges puzzle and mystery fans to find a way into the vault.

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