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Ernst licht Press releases

11 - 15 of 15 Press Releases

Dec 11, 2014
German traditional clothing expresses a very pleasant peasant style. Any snapshot of the Oktoberfest still largely feels like old Bavaria. Ernst Licht is based in the States, but are proud providers of German costumes.

Nov 18, 2014
The Oktoberfest gala is the largest carnival of the world. Men and women participate in the festival, adorned in traditional Bavarian costumes, and wielding their beer steins.

Aug 21, 2014
With the Oktoberfest knocking on the door start shopping for the right Bavarian clothing. Visit our online store and choose the attire which suits your requirements.

Aug 05, 2014
Gear up for the Oktoberfest and start shopping for the ideal German dirndl. Choose the colorful dirndls which are being offered by our online store.

Jul 24, 2014
Buyers canadd fashionable German lederhosen to their wardrobe and enjoy the comfort of the leisure wear. Catch up with the recent trends in German fashion by visiting our online store.

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