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Excellence in Education Press releases

31 - 40 of 129 Press Releases

Nov 11, 2018
Hundreds of parents flocked to inquire about St George's school during their visit to London. Among the guests was world renowned adviser to governments, monarchs & presidents, Prof Chris Imafidon. He was pleasantly surprised by the offerings.

Nov 07, 2018
Malaysia's government Minister, Hon Datuk Mohamaddin bin Ketapi promotes more partnerships to boost success in a special London event with attracted VIPs, & world renown adviser to monarchs, governments, president & leaders, Professor Chris Imafidon.

Nov 07, 2018
Famed actress, Maggie Q; Intellectual icon, Prof Chris Imafidon celebrated with others in a global ceremony hosted by broadcast legend of CBS Mr Greenberg. And joined by leaders from United Airlines, New York Times, Corinthia Hotels & Reed Exhibition

Nov 01, 2018
'Faith unites more than it divides' says Rt Hon Patricia Scotland in yesterday's Oxford lecture and explained why the commonwealth is run by consensus rather than voting'. later, renowned Professor Chris Imafidon raised key issue of gender inequity.

Oct 31, 2018
50 new opportunities were given to London teenagers today when Mr Anis Zaman, CEO of EBC Training Academy conducted exams to Medical schools & Oxbridge. Prof Chris Imafidon, a special guest at the occasion commends the initiative with Cambridge Uni.

Oct 28, 2018
Super-talented Ms Taylor Davis performs to an enthusiastic crowd and VIP guests in London including world renown Professor Chris Imafidon, head of Britain's brainiest family. The show fulfils Josh Denham promise to attendees ("biggest MCM show yet")

Oct 22, 2018
Justina Mutale Foundation combines with European School of Economics to host the United Nations exhibition in support for girls' education - displaying the work of award winner Chinze Ojobo, & Prof Chris Imafidon joins in welcoming such a programme

Oct 21, 2018
World renown adviser to governments, monarchs, presidents & corporate leaders, Prof Chris Imafidon decries the shameful state of girls' education & outlines the Genius Formula to get more female leaders at a UN Exhibition by Ojobo. #ProfChrisImafidon

Oct 18, 2018
Ms Abdulghaffar, a regional director of BEDB gives evidence to show that Bahrain remains the preference for any technology, telecom or digital business, and world renown Prof Chris Imafidon, Chair of EIE, UK wants to partner with Bahrain.

Oct 18, 2018
Mr Andy Searle, CEO of BPESA explains why South Africa is the best nation to reduce global skill shortage during OSX summit yesterday. Later, renowned 's chair, Prof Chris Imafidon promised to partner with BPESA. #BPESA

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