Feb 01, 2012
Samuel Beckett is on his way to Cork City. The Everyman Palace Theatre will be staging three of Beckett’s lesser known plays. This cultural endeavour will see three of Beckett’s more ‘under the radar’ short plays take to the stage.
Jan 03, 2012
OK – attention grabbing headlines aside, I kid you not and actually this idea is not as crazy as it sounds. It also validates what many alternative healthcare professionals have been saying for years – our bowel flora really do keep us alive.
Dec 21, 2011
On the 1st of September 2012 Notre Dame will play the Navy in the aviva stadium in Dublin Ireland
Nov 17, 2011
Cork Art Trail is an annual contemporary art festival promoting local talent
Oct 20, 2011
Gohop Travel will be hosting a infomation evening for Kenya and Tanzania on the 03rd November. The gathering will commences at 6pm at the the Tropical Medical Bureau.