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False Buddha LLC Press releases

11 - 20 of 23 Press Releases

Jan 14, 2019
Former CIA officer and author of several books has now created her own app called Cooking in the CIA.

Dec 03, 2018
Former CIA officer turned author Shelly Mateer has released the latest installment of the Mingling in the CIA series. In this installment we meet Bloud, a disgruntled and dangerous CIA officer.

Nov 26, 2018
Finally, some truth in the media! Former CIA officer Shelly Mateer is now a contributor to OpsLens Media. An author of numerous books inspired by her time working for the Central Intelligence Agency, Ms.

Mar 15, 2018
Shelly Mateer, a former CIA officer who now writes books inspired by her experience working for the Agency has now branched into creating her own products. In January, she unveiled her own invention, a product called the BurpMitt™.

Jan 02, 2018
Shelly Mateer, a former CIA officer who now writes books inspired by her experience working for the Agency has now branched into baby products. She has invented her own product, called the BurpMitt™.

Oct 06, 2017
Former CIA officer Shelly Mateer has a new book out! Mission: Stand Down is a true to life spy thriller and the author's most controversial book yet! Jay is a covert officer in the post-9/11 Central Intelligence Agency.

May 09, 2016
Welcome to the world of Annie, a dimwitted CIA officer who drifts her way from assignment to assignment, all at the expense of national security.

Apr 22, 2016
Sheet cakes, overpriced coffee drinks, and a dancing guy in a doughnut suit? Welcome to the world of Annie, a dimwitted CIA officer who drifts her way from assignment to assignment, all at the expense of national security.

Feb 26, 2016
Author Shelly Mateer's new series, Mingling in the CIA is a humorous introduction to the “cast of characters” at the CIA, and begins with a journey into the life of Annie, a dimwitted backstabber.

Dec 19, 2015
From Shelly Mateer, Author of Single in the CIA - get her new book - Mingling in the CIA: Observations of an Underdog is now available on Amazon! The first in a new series by author Shelly Mateer, this Kindle short story introduces you to some of the...

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