Mar 15, 2022
Many websites offering divorce services are not based in Florida and can only help in a general sense. Divorce in Florida Online is based in Florida and it has been helping people file for divorce quickly and affordably for many years.
Jan 21, 2022
Florida Notarizations Online Website Providing Remote Notary Services
Feb 01, 2020
Remote notarizations are now allowed in Florida and Divorce in Florida Online is the first document preparation business adding this service to their offering.
Mar 08, 2016
Many websites offering divorce services are not based in Florida and can only help in a general sense. Divorce in Florida Online is based in Florida and even though it just launched, it has helped many people file for divorce quickly and cheaply.
Apr 16, 2015
Filing for an annulment in Broward or Miami is similar to getting a divorce. The major difference is that not everyone qualifies to get an annulment. This article explains the annulment process in Miami, Broward and Florida in general.
Jun 27, 2014
In a long awaited move by the Florida court system e-filing is open for everyone since June 21st 2014. Before then only attorneys could e-file cases. This is a great advantage for non-attorneys and “paralegals” working for the general public.
Jan 16, 2014
Getting a divorce in Miami in mutual agreement and without an attorney can be easy, simple and less painful but it's not for everyone.
Dec 22, 2013
Making the decision to hire a divorce paralegal in Florida is not an easy one to reach. Many people do not know that a paralegal in the State of Florida can only work under the direction of an attorney.
Oct 30, 2013
Not every divorce should be in mutual agreement. Avoid the pitfalls of attempting a Florida divorce in mutual agreement by recognizing the red flags. This article is not to be construed as legal advice, always consult an attorney.
Oct 21, 2013
Why attend a court hearing if you do not have to? There is a way to get divorced in Florida without EVER stepping foot at the courthouse. Save yourself time and money and file for divorce using Apex Legal Document Preparation Services 786-484-1238