Jul 13, 2011
Red Cross Antivirus is a fake anti-virus program that makes it it’s mission to infect your system and get you to hand over your hard earned cash to cyber criminals.
Jul 13, 2011
The Windows Clock Resetting is a critical error that should be fixed as soon as possible because your computer needs it’s clock in order to work properly.
Jul 13, 2011
The Skype “Disk Is Full” error is a common error amongst the latest version of Skype. The error occurs when the offline file cache gets to full so the profile files did not get synchronised.
Jul 13, 2011
The Skype 1618 error occurs when you try to download and install the next version of Skype after 2.5. It is common amongst Windows XP users
Jul 13, 2011
Active Directory Domain Service Is Unavailable is an error which occurs when you try and print on a wireless printer, but find that the protocols & functions required to process the command are not able to work correctly.
Jul 12, 2011
The Rtvscan.exe file is a part of the Norton Antivirus program. Errors in this file are typically caused by you not having the latest DirectX version in your PC. This is most likely because you have failed to update your version of Direct X.
Jul 12, 2011
Advpack.dll is a dynamic link library file that assists Windows in hardware and software installation by reading the necessary .INF files. Most hardware device drivers and software need .INF files and dll files to process.
Jul 12, 2011
Dbghelp.dll is a dynamic link library file needed by your Windows system to execute functions associated with the symbol engine for the successful symbol and module enumeration.
Jul 12, 2011
Windows Accurate Protector is a fake anti-virus infection that is able to gain access to your system by using backdoor Trojans to break down the security protocols that surround your computer.
Jul 12, 2011
Total PC Defender is a fake anti-virus infection that secretly gains access to your system and all of its files by using Trojans to bypass the security protocols that surround your system.