Jun 16, 2016
The ultimate objective of this project is to transform as many people as possible into better learners, even since they are young, while also planting in their mind the seeds of solid reasoning and argumentation.
Feb 19, 2016
Master Your Brain: Neuroscience for Personal Developmen;t Stress Management: 40+ easy ways to deal with stress; Neuroscience for Leadership & Management; Neuroscience for Parents: How to raise amazing kids; Marketing and Manipulation
Feb 14, 2016
What's awesome about this new company? - They offer only one cool product every month! The one that they started with in February is quite amazing. I hope they keep going as strong.
Oct 11, 2015
We've written a comprehensive negative review of Casino de Monte-Carlo (from Monaco) on our website: http://gamblers-united.com/casino-de-monte-carlo-monaco-review/ If anyone is interested in quoting us, please go ahead, but try to provide a do-follow...
Apr 01, 2015
On March 14, a Romanian gambler named Laurentiu Andronache uploaded on SlideShare his first ever presentation. While its design certainly wasn’t memorable, it was introducing to sports bettors around the world the new concept of “honest odds”.