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Gary Revel Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Apr 21, 2008
Although I have found it to be disconcerting, Congressman Christopher Dodd was a member of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) for the purpose of limiting it's investigation and preventing the truth from being made known.

Apr 17, 2008
Executive Session of House Subcommittee on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy met. HSCA Chairman Louis Stokes, Representatives; L. Richardson Preyer, Walter E. Fauntroy, Christopher Dodd and Stewart B. McKinney heard Santo Trafficante testimony.

Apr 16, 2008
Interviews with Ray Kohlman, Mike Ruppert, former Congresswoman Cynthia Mc Kinney, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Revel and more have helped shape Osborneā€™s conclusions of conspiracy and cover-up in the MLK Assassination.

Jan 26, 2008
Playing poker with men in a rough and tumble southern juke joint is not the typical activity of a 10 year old boy but it was for Gary Revel; Dancing with waitresses to rock & roll/country music on the jukebox was also part of his usual childs play.

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