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Green Dragon Books Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

May 18, 2018
Throughout the ages, mystics, saints, artists, musicians, and athletes have described exalted episodes of inner bliss, pure freedom, and deep silence. These profound experiences of transcendence often changed the trajectory of their lives.

Jan 21, 2016
Author shares a frightening proposition with his new political thriller.

Sep 21, 2015
In the Pantheon of literary genres, international thrillers have their own wing. There, encased in sepulchers with headstones writ large, stand names such as Robert Ludlum, John le Carré, Alistair MacLean and more.

Sep 10, 2015
Green Dragon Books announces that author Ann Purcell has won a Living Now Book Award Silver Medal for her book, The Transcendental Meditation Technique and the Journey of Enlightenment

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